You've tried it all...

🙄 Fad diets that guarantee you’ll drop 2 pant sizes in 30 days

đŸ˜„ Drastic detox systems promising you a cleaner, healthier, more energized body

đŸ˜”Â HIIT programs that should give you the beach body of your dreams

😳 Expensive supplements to balance your hormone levels and let you sleep for more than 3 hours

And you’ve gotten some good results from these, but nothing you can maintain after the program is done.

All those good habits you built are forgotten as soon as the program is over –

IF you made it through the program at all. 

The thing with those programs is they focus on quick-fix methods that get you the fast results you want

but they NEVER teach you how to SUSTAIN those results when you return to normal life!

You know, the life you live 99% of the time where you have to BALANCE taking care of yourself with work and family??

You’re left feeling like there’s something wrong with YOU.

YOU weren’t disciplined enough.

YOU weren’t committed enough. 

YOU let life get in the way.

I have to tell you – the problem isn’t YOU.

YOU didn’t fail to stick to the program.

👉 The program failed to be flexible enough to WORK for YOUR life. 

👉 The program failed to show you HOW to sustain your hard-earned habits and results for the long-term.

Programs like those TRICK you into BELIEVING that...

  • Healthy = following a strict workout schedule and rigid diet plan
  • Failure to stick to the plan PERFECTLY = you’ll never reach your goals
  • The time commitment required to follow the plan = you have to choose between yourself or work and family

And we both know which one you choose because you can’t stand the GUILT of prioritizing yourself over work and family

But you don’t have to choose.

And that’s why you’re here. 

Imagine THIS is your reality now

Instead of feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, like there’s never enough time to get everything done…

đŸ€©Â You’re easily balancing work, family and life guilt-free so not only are your finances and family thriving, YOU are too! đŸ€©

Instead of dragging yourself out of bed wondering how you’ll make it through the day..

đŸ„ł You wake up ENERGIZED, capable of doing it all with energy left over to have fun! đŸ„ł

Instead of being plagued by daily aches and pains, dragged down by fatigue and nagging cravings…

😍 Your body is working WITH you and you feel gorgeous, strong and confident in your own skin! 😍

Jess Roe in blue shirt and jeans leaning forward in front of Russian olive tree.

You’ll have all of this and more when you join

Because you’re ready to have the

TIME, ENERGY and BODY you desire

WITHOUT putting work, family or life on hold.

Here’s what’s possible for you…

✹ You’ll finally step off the hamster wheel of stress, burnout and overwhelm as we work together to relieve your stress and get you more time and energy.


✹ You’ll learn how to consistently take care of yourself and watch your guilt, anxiety, frustration, and stress melt away – even if your workload doesn’t change.


✹ You’ll enjoy deeper, more meaningful relationships with your spouse, children, friends and clients because you’ll have the time, energy and capacity to devote to nurturing them.

đŸ„ł You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and excited to greet your day, feeling better than you have in YEARS.


đŸ„ł Then you’ll flow through your day focused and inspired rather than trudging through, wasting time staring at a blank screen hoping your second pot of coffee will kick in.


đŸ„ł And by the end of the day, you’ll still have plenty of energy, so instead of collapsing onto the couch at 4pm, you’ll be able to play with your kids and enjoy cooking dinner.

đŸ’Ș Your body will finally start working WITH you instead of against you! The inconvenient, frustrating aches, pains, and problems you’ve resigned yourself to dealing with because you’re getting older will disappear.


😍 And you’ll look good and feel great in your body with no fear of losing your results if you miss a workout.


đŸ€© You’ll discover you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Hate high intensity workouts? Can’t stand chicken, broccoli, and rice? You can get results without them.


🎉 You’ll never dread a workout again because you’ll find ways of moving that feel GOOD and ENJOYABLE to you.

đŸ”„ You’ll finally enjoy a healthy relationship with food and confidently choose foods that nourish your body, mind, and soul. With no guilt, no restriction, and no anxiously counting calories or weighing your food. 


🙌 You’ll finally be able to consistently take care of yourself, to achieve the results you’ve been after, and maintain them for LIFE!


đŸ’„ And as a result, you’ll be able to spend your time and energy on what matters most – your family, creating financial abundance, and making an impact. Your body will SUPPORT these goals rather than taking time and money away from them.


đŸ„ł And you’ll be able to take care of yourself on AUTOPILOT, or ramp up for fun challenges when YOU CHOOSE!

What's included in the Accountability & Consistency Club?​

You’ll get all the support you need to get the TIME, ENERGY, and BODY you desire WITHOUT putting work, family or life on hold!

Build Your Owner’s Manual:

Ever wish your body just came with an owner’s manual?

Using a fully customizable planner and our coaching time together you’ll experience easy and enjoyable goal setting, planning, and tracking, so you’ll reach your goals while building your Owner’s Manual.

Proven Strategies for your Inevitable Success:

We’ll start with a 30-minute 1:1 Welcome Call where we’ll work together to set your goals and build a custom action plan that will work for YOUR life.

Each week, we’ll track your progress, and modify your plan as needed, using proven strategies from my constantly-growing toolbox so you’re always excited to take action, and totally confident in your inevitable success.

Weekly Coaching Calls with Jess:

These group coaching calls are where all the magic happens.

You’ll get ongoing accountability and high-touch coaching to keep you on track and overcoming obstacles as they come up BEFORE you fall off the wagon or lose any time.  

An Introvert- and Schedule-Friendly weekly check in form with email follow up is also available along with replays of the coaching calls for those who can’t join us live.

The Accountability & Consistency Club Member Portal:

Access to the membership portal that houses our group coaching call replays, challenges, trainings, and additional resources as they’re added.

I’m constantly working to grow and improve this service so you will always have EXACTLY what you need – whether you’re getting out of survival mode, aiming to thrive on autopilot, or ready to challenge yourself to grow!

A Powerful Community of Women focused on Sustainable & Intuitive Self-Care:

Going it alone will only get you so far. Research shows that the support of a community can accelerate your results while ensuring your success long-term.

So you’ll have access to the private Facebook community for ongoing support throughout the week from myself and your tribe.

People who actually GET what you’re trying to do, who lift each other up, inspire each other and are committed to seeing each other succeed.

The investment for the Accountability & Consistency Club is just

And if you love saving even more... Save 20% when you pay in full for 6 months!

Want even more 1:1 support or customized diet, exercise, and lifestyle programming by yours truly?

Upgrade to the VIP Custom Coaching option at any time for an additional $75 per month. Select your coaching plan, below, then email using Subject: UPGRADE.

This includes:

  • A VIP 1:1 call with me each month to dig deep into whatever you’re needing (mindset, action planning, strategy to overcome chronic obstacles, anything!),
  • Plus custom workout & nutrition plans, and any other personalized support you might need. 
Jess Roe in blue shirt and jeans leaning forward in front of Russian olive tree.

The thing is, to provide the highest-touch coaching possible and make sure no one falls through the cracks, I’m only opening this club to 10 members.

And those spots will fill quickly!

Choose Your Plan!

This sounds great, I just want to get started on my own first.

This is what I like to call throwing spaghetti at the wall syndrome. You’ve been doing this for so long already. What’s going to be different about this time?

I completely understand the desire to figure this out on your own. Especially if you’ve reached out for help in the past and were either rejected or received terrible advice. It makes you feel like you can’t trust anyone but yourself. I’ve been there too.

But I can also tell you from experience that continuing to do it yourself will make it so much harder, and take so much longer.

Because honestly, the only thing that’s going to get you unstuck are a fresh set of experienced eyes on your situation, as well as the support of a community who has also been there.

Whatever it is you’re wanting to try on your own first, I encourage you to join us in the ACC and try it there so you can be supported and I can help you make this strategy work FOR you.

I have so much going on right now, I just don’t think I have the time.

Believe me, I get it!

But there will NEVER be a perfect time because you simply can’t work on your health & fitness in a vacuum where all the craziness of life is paused.

And simplifying a stressful and overwhelming schedule is one of my superpowers!

When you join the ACC, we’ll work together to create the time you need while calming your life – even if your schedule doesn’t change!

Trust me, if this is a priority for you, we’ll make it work for you.

I've tried everything and nothing has worked before. Why should this be any different?

Because I’m not going to give you another diet and exercise program and then push you through like every other fitness coach you’re thinking of.

And I’m not going to give you a schedule and leave you to figure it out on your own.

The magic of the ACC is that we focus on giving you the SKILLS and SUPPORT that have been missing in everything else you’ve tried.

Plus, you’ll have my experienced eyes on your situation so you won’t give up too early or waste time on strategies that aren’t a good fit for you and your life.

You’re definitely not alone in feeling like you’ve tried everything. But I can tell you that every single client who has ever felt this way realized that they were either:

👉 Trying to apply a strategy that wasn’t right for them, or

👉 They didn’t have the support they needed to track their progress and adjust along the way to ensure their success.

Achieving your goals IS possible for you. You are not destined to have to settle with being exhausted and hating your body.

The answers are there for you. Let’s find them together.

Do you have any guarantee this will work? Is my investment safe?

While I cannot guarantee that you will achieve specific results in a specific timeframe, I can guarantee that I will show up 100% for you, and if you show up and put in the work, you WILL achieve a massive transformation.

If at any time the membership is not working for you and you have been showing up and doing the work, I will offer you a complimentary deep dive 1:1 session to address exactly what you’re needing to get on track and get the results you’re after.

If we are just not connecting and able to get you results, I will gladly refund the remainder of your investment minus services already rendered. 

No hard feelings!


Once your payment is made, you’ll get a scheduling link to book your 30-minute Welcome Call, and an email with instructions on what comes next!

In the email, I’ll walk you through accessing both the Facebook Community and the ACC Member Portal where you can get started with your Owner’s Manual Workbook.

You’ll also receive an email on the first Monday after you sign up with the link for the Group Coaching Call (on Zoom) and the weekly Check In Form.

This is totally based on how much time you have!

At the Welcome Call, we’ll determine how much time you have and what you can realistically do with that time while ensuring you’re on track to reach your goals.

At a minimum, you’ll need a few minutes each day to check in with yourself, plus a few minutes weekly to check in with me.

The Zoom calls are 30-60 minutes and I recommend setting aside 30 minutes once per week to review your week and plan your next week. 

This is another one that totally depends on you, your goals, and your current situation!

I recommend planning for a minimum of 3-6 months so we can get you out of any ongoing yo-yo cycles, get you noticeable results, and establish the skills and habits you’ll need to sustain those results. 

One of my favorite parts about the ACC and my free Making Sense of a Healthy Life community is the huge variety of people I have been honored to work with.

If taking care of yourself intuitively and sustainably so you can live life on your terms resonates with you, then the ACC is exactly the  right place for you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay at home mom, an entrepreneur, or part of the traditional workforce, or even a student, you’ll learn what you need to know.

It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant, a mom in the trenches, a grandmother, or don’t have kids, you’ll get powerful support for wherever you’re at.

Feel free to email me with any questions at or just schedule a free 30-minute consultation HERE!

I’d love to talk with you more to see how we can support you!

I truly believe in the power of having a coach and community to support you and ensure your success through your health & fitness journey.

So before you cancel, if at any time the membership is not working for you and you have been showing up and doing the work, I will offer you a complimentary deep dive 1:1 session to address exactly what you’re needing to get on track and get the results you’re after.

But I understand that there can be other circumstances where continuing the membership is just not the right call for you and that’s totally ok too!

If you’re on the monthly payment plan, simply send me an email to and let me know!

If you paid in full for the 6 month membership, your membership will not auto-renew, so you can simply let it run out.

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